Rin's Awesome QWERTY
Aloha Amigo/Amiga ^^

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--Rinneth (a.k.a. Keiichi X'D)

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Rin's Awesome QWERTY
Aloha Amigo/Amiga ^^

Please join! We will welcome you as a member of our close-knit family. Or you can log in! Ayuu~

--Rinneth (a.k.a. Keiichi X'D)
Rin's Awesome QWERTY
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Very Important. Your argument is invalid.

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Very Important.  Your argument is invalid. Empty Very Important. Your argument is invalid.

Post by Guest Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:30 am

Very Important.  Your argument is invalid. 382929_190304367775366_568996475_n

and another true

Very Important.  Your argument is invalid. Tumblr_m94bf9U6Pd1rbbxh5o1_400


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